Thursday, September 8, 2016


Candidacies or commonly called thrush is a very common infection in women. It is particularly bad during pregnancy. This
happens because women have high levels of oestrogen hormone which destroys the vaginal lining cells and besides this high levels of hormone progesterone interferes with the ability of the protective cells ( neutrophils) to fight candida. This can start fairly early during pregnancy and can go on throughout her pregnancy.  She should always see her care taker, confirm the diagnosis and make sure there are no other infections. There are two common antifungal drugs (DRUGS WHICH ACT ON CANDIDA) which are very useful and can be obtained without a prescription. These do not harm the foetus, but there are some which are not so safe. (FLUCONAZOLE). These can also be obtained easily. These can cause a miscarriage. This treatment can be in the form of vaginal suppositories or vaginal cream. In the first instant treatment is given for seven days and if it reoccurs for two weeks or more the infection can be really bad. Always have a medical input in your treatment.

Postmenopausal women
The other group of women who need attention about candidacies are, post menopausal. Postmenopausal women do not suffer candidacies as they have run out of oestrogens. They only get it if they are on HRT or are diabetic. In this situation always examine the patient, if she complains of vaginal symptoms of itching, discharge, pain on intercourse, dysurea, even bleeding.
There can be many different problems. They often get another infection called anaerobic vaginosis which causes very foul smelly discharge and itching, the discharge is predominant, as opposed to thrush where itching is maddening. I have come
across two postmenopausal women who kept on using anti thrush creams, neither they nor her primary care giver bothered to look at them. They both had a Carcinoma of the vulva which is usually occurs in menopausal women.
Other groups which suffer are Diabetics and obese women. Please do not keep focussing on one problem that is Candidacies. Do some tests, are there any other infections or any other problems. Always exclude diabetes in women with
persistent thrush.

As practitioners never order treatment without proper history and examination, if as care taker we follow this rule, we will not miss the serious issues.