Monday, September 23, 2013


1-Vaginal discharge is a variable subject what is normal for some women may be abnormal for others.

2-If you have a vaginal discharge do not start treatment without a diagnosis. What you may consider as just Thrush may even be malignancy. I have recently two such cases in older women. Post menopausal women generally do not get thrush until they are diabetic or using HRT.

3-When you have recurring Candidiasis it can be due to any oestrogens you may be taking, high oestrogen pill, poor diabetic control and due to another variety of Candida called Candida Glabrata.
For this you require stronger treatment called Intraconazole 200 mgs twice a day three times a week , then twice a week for four weeks.
There are other forms of treatment which you GP will advise you on.

4-When should you treat the male partner in recurring Candidiasis? The candida store itself in the seminal vessels and a culture of the semen should be done, and if positive the partner should be treated. The should also be treated if they have an infection of the penis and be given a local cream.

5-In cases of recurring candidiasis saline was once or twice a day is very comforting, it also helps with other inflammatory conditions , such as vestubulitis.

6-The other treatment could be , change the pill, control diabetes and general hygiene, not share garments with each other.

7-Boric acid gelatine pessaries can be used once or twice. If used frequently they can be toxic.

8-Vagina can be painted with Aqueous Gentian Violet 0.5 percent to 1.0 percent, once a week.

9-Last but not the least Depoprovera injections are often very useful to control Candidiasis.
One has to be careful if it is used long it can cause 1.0 percent loss of bone density thus causing osteoporosis.

10-Avoid local antiseptics, perfumes and commercial moisturisers. Anti histamines and Amytriptaline at bedtime is very useful. Chronic treatment of recurring Candidiasis can cause eczematic rash and local dermatitis.

So the take home message is , take the correct treatment after the correct diagnosis.

The next post will be on the remaining Vaginal Infections and Inflammations. 

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