Thursday, November 7, 2013


In this post we will talk about puberty. Puberty is the time when young girls undergo changes to their body, which matures them into being a woman, and from then on, they can carry on the most important human function of reproduction.
When I was a young girl there was no sex education in those days, and we never understood what puberty was. I remember one fine morning at the school that I had some vaginal bleeding and my best friend who was in my class who was slightly older than me and I went to her saying that I have got Tuberculosis down below. In those days the only cause of any bleeding we had known was Tuberculosis of the lung. She told me that it was menstruation and we discussed this in detail as she had started having her periods one year earlier. So you can see that the time of puberty varies in individuals depending on their general health, nutrition and lifestyle.
Therefore my sex education was derived from my classmate.
The boys also undergo maturation slightly later than girls, but in this post we will focus on girls only.
The word Puberty is derived from the Latin called PUBERATUM MATURATION.

As discuss in my previous post on menstruation we have certain glands in our body called endocrine
glands which produce chemicals that produce hormones. These hormones are linked to the site of the action via the blood stream. The main glands concerned in our maturation are Hypothalamus, Pituitary and Ovaries(Sex Glands in Females and Testes in the Male).
 What happens at puberty under the direction of these hormones from the brain and the gonads, the breasts start to grow like little buds and then the second area of change is the appearance of pubic hair and axillary hair. In addition to the breasts and the hair their bodies start to change shape as years go by, they also have a special body odour. It is not uncommon for them to get changes in their skin and develop pimples.
In the genital area the mucosa of the vagina thickens and the labia minora changes. The vagina thickens and its PH changes. The eggs start to undergo maturation.  The uterus enlarges and it achieves adult size and finally menstruation starts. Recently the hormone called Kisspeptin has been identified from the hypothalamus and this is supposed to kick start the menstrual cycle.

There can be some developmental abnormalities at puberty which we will discuss in future posts.

In summary the main hormones involved are from the hypothalamus,( Kisspeptin, GnRH,) Pituitary,(LH , FSH), Ovaries(Estradiol and Progesterone).
They have a self regulating control.
A small amount of testosterone comes from the ovary and another gland called Adrenal.
Adrenal is useful for the development of hair follicles.
We have also described these in the menstrual function.

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