Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Pyarai aged 22 was discharged home on the third day after a normal child birth. This was her third child. She was sent home with her mother. She was explained about contraception. According to the latest Indian rules we were happy to do a tubal ligation as this was her third child. Her age did not matter. She did not want this, we advised her to return in 6 weeks so that we could fit an intra uterine loop, that is what we used in those days, it was 1959. However to my disgust she was brought over by her alcoholic husband to the hospital at about 2.00 AM, with a loop of bowel hanging between her legs. I was horrified; I did not know what to say or do. Obviously he came home dead drunk and forcibly raped her, the soft vaginal wall tore and a loop of bowel came down, for a change this was an easy case. I first started an intravenous drip, put her head down, and examined the bowel made sure it was not damaged. I replaced it very gently, gave her antibiotics and repaired the torn vagina. We kept her in hospital for 5 days, seeing her husband’s behavior; my boss put an intrauterine device in for her before she went home. This was not   a routine, but we had to do it for her. These days we keep talking about cruelty at home, I have been seeing this as an obstetrician, particularly in countries like India for last 60 years. Nothing has changed, cruelty towards women continues. I so much wish that organizations, like The Melinda and Bills Gates charities, governments, Millennium Development program's, prevention of domestic violence can help these women with education equality and empowerment. Happy families make happy societies’, happy nations and in the end a happy world.

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