Thursday, August 23, 2018


Many couples seem to have difficulty in sexual relations during and after menopause. This depend to some extent, as to how their relationship was in earlier years and what else is going on along with menopause, such as heavy and /or irregular bleeding problems. The other important thing is that two people are involved and it can be a problem with either of them. If a woman has had a hysterectomy this alone is often not a problem. However some gynaecologists think that removal of the cervix does interfere with the pleasure of sexual function, others think it does not matter. If one woman has had her ovaries removed it is a sudden withdrawal of ovarian hormones then they need help. If there are no contraindications for HRT, an ovarian implant is done at the same time. In early peri menopausal time women need to consider contraception, deal with hot flushes and a dry vagina. Their partner should understand and educate himself with these problems. If her desire to have sex is gone down perhaps more intimate time is required, gentle approach is necessary. If there is pain due to dry vagina there are many water soluble and silicone based moisturisers and lubricants available, which can make the sexual activity happy. Never give up, as sexual activity keeps the vagina healthy. It is said use it or lose it. Always pay attention to each other’s problems. You may consider MHT (HRT) if menopausal symptoms particularly hot flushes are making life difficult. When a woman starts having sex with a new partner always protect yourself from STD’s as your vagina is no longer protected and it may also be injured. The commonest infections are HIV, HERPES, and CLAMYDIA. There is a new SERM called Ospemifene is useful to protect from painful sex. Laser treatment is being tried but FDA has put up some warnings against it. Sexual activity in peri menopausal years requires personal, social, psychological and medical help.

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