These days many different types of diets are
available, mainly vegetarian
Low carb, Mediterranean, no sugar, fertility diet and
so on. One such Diet which is very common among the younger generation is
called vegan diet. This means that you do not eat any animal products,
including dairy products, and eggs. This
even excludes honey.
The vegan diet mainly consists of fruits, vegetables, plant
based milk alternatives, legumes, beans, lentils and peas. Again their nutrition
is improved by soaking, cooking and then fermenting. Nuts in vegan diet provides zinc magnesium
selenium vitamin E, some iron and protein. 28 gms of nuts contain 5-12 gms of
protein .Hemp, chia seeds and flax seeds are a rich source of omega 3. Chia
seed is a great substitute for egg in baking .Hemp has been removed from
controlled drugs act. Most vegans use fortified products such as vegetable milk,
breakfast cereals, and fortified nutritional yeast. Nutritional yeast is a good
source of nutrients, it is cheese supplement for vegans/ however it can cause a
few side effects such as gastrointestinal upset, flushing of the face, and can
precipitate migraine head ache.
Vegan diets are good diets but if not followed
intelligently considering your personal reasons, one can suffer from severe
deficiency problems due to lack protein, of calcium, vitaminB12, vitamin D,
Iron and essential fatty acid. Special care is needed for, pregnant mothers,
new mothers, their babies and children. Proteins are required for sports people,
growing children, pregnant or nursing mothers, people recovering from an
illness. Soya products are a very rich source of proteins such as tofu, soya
drinks. Tempeh is made from fermented soya beans this increases its nutritional
value and this contains a very small amount of B12 as well. Nutritional yeast
especially if fortified is a rich source of protein and B12. For calcium green
leafy vegetables, cabbage, broccoli okra are good. Calcium set tofu is also
made. Sesame seeds Tahini pulses are good sources. Soya drinks fortified with
calcium and vitamin D are good supplements. Fortified cereals are good
supplements for many nutritional needs for iron one needs pulses, green leafy
vegetables dried fruits. For B12again fortified cereal, soya drinks yeast
extract or even a medical supplement. Essential fatty acids are required for
many functions in the body. They come from grain, green leafy vegetables and
nut, walnuts and pistachio nuts, seaweeds are rich in essential fatty acids
antioxidants and iodine. Vitamin D is also available in many fortified food. One
can easily get it from sunshine.
Vegan diet is excellent for animal protection,
personal satiety as there is bulk in food , good to lose weight, lower
cholesterol and above all saves from heart disease which in the major killer of
human society. If care is taken to protect one from deficiency problems it can
be excellent. When one wants to start any diet see what is your need for
example if you have a family history of heart attacks it will be very good for
you, but if your family has suffered from osteoporosis it is no good for you.
Also you do not have to follow it the whole, one can modify according to once
Asha Pahuja
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